A family focussed Walkathon fundraiser for Women's Refuge. Join us to walk the He Ara Kotahi loop via the Fitzherbert bridge and to raise funds for the Women's Refuge in our community.
100% of ticket sales will be donated to the Women's Refuge 'Gift a Safe Night' appeal, where every $20 raised secures a safe night for a woman in our community.
The Walkathon will start at 2pm, alongside the He Ara Kotahi Bridge and follow the loop track via Fitzherbert Bridge. Registrations commence at 1.30pm. Parking is available in the Esplanade train station carpark.
Spot prizes, free sausage sizzle.
Tickets cost
$20 Adults
$10 for high school and tertiary students
Children with an accompanying adult are free
Well behaved dogs on leash are welcome
The event is being run by the ZONTA CLUB OF MANAWATU INC. Zonta International is a global organisation working to empower women and girls, prevent gender-based violence, and promote gender equality.
Find out more on www.zonta.org, and follow us on Facebook.
For more information please contact [email protected]
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